Updates in the management of cancer therapy-related hypertension

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Curr Opin Cardiol. 2024 Feb 26. doi: 10.1097/HCO.0000000000001127. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To provide a comprehensive review of hypertension among patients with cancer. Several cancer therapies cause hypertension which has resulted in a growing and vulnerable population of patients with difficult to control hypertension which has significant downstream effects.

RECENT FINDINGS: Hypertension affects up to 50% of cancer patients and higher comorbidity when compared to the general population. Many anticancer therapies can cause hypertension through their treatment effect. Antihypertensive treatment is crucial given cardiovascular mortality is a leading cause of death among cancer patients. It is already known that hypertension is poorly controlled in the general population, and there are additional challenges in management among patients with cancer. Patients with cancer suffer from multimorbidity, are on multiple medications creating concern for drug interactions, and often have blood pressure lability, which can worsen clinical inertia among patients and their providers. It is crucial to effectively treat hypertension in cancer patients to mitigate downstream adverse cardiovascular events.

SUMMARY: In recent years, there have been significant changes in management guidelines of hypertension and simultaneously as influx of new cancer therapeutics. We provide an update on hypertension treatment among patients with cancer on different chemotherapeutic agents.

PMID:38391284 | DOI:10.1097/HCO.0000000000001127

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