Do Acute Myocardial Infarction and Heart Failure Readmissions Flagged as Potentially Preventable by the 3M Potentially Preventable Readmissions Software Have More Process of Care Problems?

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Do Acute Myocardial Infarction and Heart Failure Readmissions Flagged as Potentially Preventable by the 3M Potentially Preventable Readmissions Software Have More Process of Care Problems?

Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2016 Sep 6;

Authors: Borzecki AM, Chen Q, Mull HJ, Shwartz M, Bhatt DL, Hanchate A, Rosen AK

BACKGROUND: The 3M Potentially Preventable Readmissions (3M-PPR) software matches clinically related index admission and readmission diagnoses that may signify in-hospital or postdischarge quality problems. To assess whether the PPR algorithm identifies preventable readmissions, we compared processes of care between PPR software-flagged and nonflagged cases.
METHODS AND RESULTS: Using 2006 to 2010 national VA administrative data, we identified acute myocardial infarction and heart failure discharges associated with 30-day all-cause readmissions, then flagged cases (PPR-Yes/PPR-No) using the 3M-PPR software. To assess care quality, we abstracted medical records of 100 readmissions per condition using tools containing explicit processes organized into admission work-up, in-hospital evaluation/treatment, discharge readiness, postdischarge period. We derived quality scores, scaled to a maximum of 25 per section (maximum total score=100) and compared cases on total and section-specific mean scores. For acute myocardial infarction, 77 of 100 cases were flagged as PPR-Yes. Section quality scores were highest for in-hospital evaluation/treatment (20.5±2.8) and lowest for postdischarge care (6.8±9.1). Total and section-related mean scores did not differ by PPR status; respective PPR-Yes versus PPR-No total scores were 61.6±11.1 and 60.4±9.4; P=0.98. For heart failure, 86 of 100 cases were flagged as PPR-Yes. Section scores were highest for discharge readiness (18.8±2.4) and lowest for postdischarge care (7.3±8.1). Like acute myocardial infarction, total and section-related mean scores did not differ by PPR status; PPR-Yes versus PPR-No total scores were 61.2±10.8 and 63.4±7.0, respectively; P=0.47.
CONCLUSIONS: Among VA acute myocardial infarction and heart failure readmissions, the 3M-PPR software does not distinguish differences in case-level quality of care. Whether 3M-PPR software better identifies preventable readmissions by using other methods to capture poorly documented processes or performing different comparisons requires further study.

PMID: 27601460 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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