Connecticut Hospital Readmissions Related to Chest Pain and Heart Failure: Differences by Race, Ethnicity, and Payer.

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Connecticut Hospital Readmissions Related to Chest Pain and Heart Failure: Differences by Race, Ethnicity, and Payer.

Conn Med. 2015 Feb;79(2):69-76

Authors: Aseltine RH, Yan J, Gruss CB, Wagner C, Katz M

BACKGROUND: Racial and ethnic disparities in hospital readmissions for several major illnesses and conditions are well-documented. However, due to the data typically used to assess readmission disparities little is known regarding the interplay between race/ethnicity and payer in fostering readmissions. This study used a statewide database of acute-care hospital admissions to examine 30-day readmission rates following hospitalization for chest pain and heart failure byrace/ethnicity and insurance status.
METHODS: Connecticut hospital discharge data for patients admitted for Chest Pain-DRG 313 (n = 23,450) and Heart Failure and Shock-DRG 291 and 292 (n = 39,985) from 2008 - 2012 were analyzed using marginal logistic models for clustered data with generalized estimating equations.
RESULTS: Results from logistic models indicated that Black patients were significantly more likely to be readmitted within 30 days of discharge following hospitalization for chest pain (OR = 1.19, CI = 1.04, 1.37) than were White patients. Hispanics, but not Blacks, were significantly more likely to be readmitted within 30 days of discharge following hospitalization for heart failure (OR = 1.30, CI = 1.15, 1.47). Rates of 30-day readmission across these conditions were between 50-100% higher among those covered by Medicaid compared to those covered by private payer. Controlling for patient socioeconomic status, patient comorbidities, and payer substantially reduced Black/White differences in the odds of readmission for chest pain but did not reduce Hispanic-White differences for heart failure.
CONCLUSIONS: Racial and ethnic disparities were seen in hospital readmission rates for Chest Pain (DRG 313) and Heart Failure and Shock (DRG 291 and 292) when a statewide database that captures all acute care hospital admissions was analyzed. When controlling for patient socioeconomic status, comorbidities, and payer status, the difference in the odds of readmission for chest pain, but not heart failure, was reduced.

PMID: 26244203 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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