Drug therapy to reduce early readmission risk in heart failure: ready for prime time?

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Drug therapy to reduce early readmission risk in heart failure: ready for prime time?

JACC Heart Fail. 2013 Aug;1(4):361-4

Authors: Vaduganathan M, Fonarow GC, Gheorghiade M

Readmission for heart failure remains a major focus of policymakers, clinicians, and patients. Despite meeting key national performance measures and frequent use of evidence-based therapies, rates of 30-day post-discharge rehospitalization may be as high as 25%. Digoxin and mineralocorticoid antagonists are known to reduce admissions for heart failure, but are significantly underused in current clinical practice despite their proven benefits.

PMID: 24621940 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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