Invasive gram-positive bacterial infection in cancer patients.

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Invasive gram-positive bacterial infection in cancer patients.

Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Nov 15;59 Suppl 5:S331-4

Authors: Holland T, Fowler VG, Shelburne SA

Systematic studies have shown that gram-positive organisms are the leading cause of invasive bacterial disease in patients with cancer. A broad range of gram-positive bacteria cause serious infections in the cancer patient with the greatest burden of disease being due to staphylococci, streptococci, and enterococci. The evolution of cancer therapy and the changing epidemiology of major gram-positive pathogens mean that ongoing efforts are needed to understand and mitigate the impact of these bacteria in patients with malignancy. The development of novel antibacterials, optimization of treatment approaches, implementation of improved vaccines, and manipulation of the microbiome are all active areas of investigation in the goal of improving the survival of the cancer patient through amelioration of the disease burden of gram-positive bacteria.

PMID: 25352626 [PubMed - in process]

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