Survival as medical registrar on call: remember the doughnut.
Clin Med. 2014 Oct;14(5):506-9
Authors: Blayney S, Crowe A, Bray D
Life as a medical registrar presents many challenges and concern is growing that a downwards trend in recruitment to General Medicine is the direct result of a perception by junior doctors that the role of the medical registrar is excessively demanding and results in poor work-life balance. A solution-focused approach (SFA) can be used successfully to find a satisfying outcome for both registrar and patient in many of the situations encountered during an on-call, as well as carrying over benefits into life outside of work. We explore the origins of SFA and the ways in which it can be successfully applied to clinical medicine, providing case studies from the author's own experience to illustrate the principles of this way of thinking.
PMID: 25301911 [PubMed - in process]