Clinical efficacy of tolvaptan for treatment of refractory ascites in liver cirrhosis patients.

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Clinical efficacy of tolvaptan for treatment of refractory ascites in liver cirrhosis patients.

World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Aug 28;20(32):11400-5

Authors: Zhang X, Wang SZ, Zheng JF, Zhao WM, Li P, Fan CL, Li B, Dong PL, Li L, Ding HG

AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of tolvaptan to treat refractory ascites in decompensated liver cirrhosis patients with or without further complications, such as hepatorenal syndrome and/or hepatocellular carcinoma.
METHODS: Thirty-nine patients (mean age 55 years, males: 32) with decompensated liver cirrhosis and refractory ascites were enrolled. All patients received a combination of tolvaptan (15 mg/d for 5-14 d) and diuretics (40-80 mg/d of furosemide and 80-160 mg/d of spironolactone). The etiology of cirrhosis included hepatitis B (69.2%), hepatitis C (7.7%) and alcohol-induced (23.1%). Changes in the urine excretion volume, abdominal circumference and edema were assessed. The serum sodium levels were also measured, and adverse events were recorded. A follow-up assessment was conducted 1 mo after treatment with tolvaptan.
RESULTS: Tolvaptan increased the mean urine excretion volume (1969.2 ± 355.55 mL vs 3410.3 ± 974.1 mL, P < 0.001), and 89.7% of patients showed improvements in their ascites, 46.2% of whom showed significant improvements. The overall efficacy of tolvaptan in all patients was 89.7%; the efficacies in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatorenal syndrome were 84.2% and 77.8%, respectively. The incidence of hyponatremia was 53.8%. In patients with hyponatremia, the serum sodium levels increased after tolvaptan treatment (from 128.1 ± 4.22 mEq/L vs 133.1 ± 3.8 mEq/L, P < 0.001). Only mild drug-related adverse events, including thirst and dry mouth, were observed.
CONCLUSION: Tolvaptan is a promising aquaretic for the treatment of refractory ascites in patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis.

PMID: 25170228 [PubMed - in process]

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