Assigning a team-based pager for on-call physicians reduces paging errors in a large academic hospital.

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Assigning a team-based pager for on-call physicians reduces paging errors in a large academic hospital.

Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2014 Feb;40(2):77-82

Authors: Shieh L, Chi J, Kulik C, Momeni A, Shelton A, DePorte C, Hopkins J

As complexity of care of hospitalized patients has increased, the need for communication and collaboration among members of the team caring for the patient has become increasingly important. This often takes the form of a nurse's need to contact a patient's physician to discuss some aspect of care and modify treatment plans. Errors in communication delay care and can pose risk to patients. This report describes the successful implementation of a standardized team-based paging system at an academic center. Results showed a substantial improvement in nurses' perceptions of knowing how to contact the correct physician when discussion of the patient's care is needed. This improvement was found across multiple medical and surgical specialties and was particularly effective for services with the greatest communication problems.

PMID: 24716330 [PubMed - in process]

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