Survey of core medical trainees in the United Kingdom 2013 – inconsistencies in training experience and competing with service demands.

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Survey of core medical trainees in the United Kingdom 2013 - inconsistencies in training experience and competing with service demands.

Clin Med. 2014 Mar;14(2):149-56

Authors: Tasker F, Newbery N, Burr B, Goddard AF

There is currently considerable concern about the attractiveness of hospital medicine as a career and experiences in core medical training (CMT) are a key determinant of whether trainees continue in the medical specialties. Little is understood about the quality and impact of the current CMT programme and this survey was designed to assess this. Three key themes emerged. Firstly, the demands of providing service have led to considerable loss of training opportunities, particularly in outpatients and formal teaching sessions. Trainees spend a lot of this service time doing menial tasks and over 90% report that service takes up 80-100% of their time. Secondly, clinical and educational supervision is variable, with trainees sometimes getting little consultant feedback on their clinical performance. Finally, 44% of trainees report that CMT has not prepared them to be a medical registrar and many trainees are put off acute medical specialties by their experiences in CMT.

PMID: 24715126 [PubMed - in process]

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