Junior doctors’ understanding of alcohol units remains poor.

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Junior doctors' understanding of alcohol units remains poor.

Clin Med. 2014 Mar;14(2):141-4

Authors: Das AK, Corrado OJ, Sawicka Z, Haque S, Anathhanam S, Das L, West R

A survey of 586 trainee doctors in Yorkshire was undertaken to ascertain current junior doctors' knowledge and understanding of alcohol units. Approximately 18% of trainees had no knowledge of alcohol units despite the fact that 82% believed they had a good knowledge. Once again, those who did not drink alcohol knew less about alcohol units than those who did. Little progress seems to have been made on this important subject since our previous survey 7 years ago. Further steps must be taken to ensure that junior doctors are taught about alcohol units during the course of their training so that they are able to counsel patients appropriately.

PMID: 24715124 [PubMed - in process]

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