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Emergency department multiprofessional handover.
Clin Teach. 2013 Aug;10(4):219-23
Authors: Fernando K, Adshead N, Dev S, Fernando A
BACKGROUND: Emergency department (ED) handovers are arguably more complex than handovers in the ward environment. This is because of an unpredictable patient load, fluctuations in acuity, compressed time frames and the undifferentiated or undiagnosed nature of clinical problems. In order to ensure safe, relevant and accurate handovers, we have implemented a novel multiprofessional model. The model ensures that staff groups communicate, interact and learn together. In this study we investigated the effectiveness and usefulness of this new morning handover structure at St Thomas' Hospital, a busy teaching hospital in London, UK.
METHODS: A questionnaire about the multiprofessional handover (MPH) was given to all 75 staff attending an MPH over a 1-week period, a year after it was introduced. The objective was to determine whether MPH is effective in the Emergency Department.
RESULTS: All 75 staff attending MPH in the study period completed a questionnaire. All of the staff found it a useful update on departmental and trust-wide issues. The results demonstrated that staff mostly supported the new MPH structure. A majority agreed that it provided enough information about patient care (67 staff members). The results suggested that MPH is an effective way to deliver handover within the ED.
DISCUSSION: Our unique morning handover structure ensures patient safety, as well as the appropriate transfer of information and responsibility to all involved with the care of patients in the ED. It offers the opportunity for multiprofessional learning, encourages teamwork and improves operational processes within the ED.
PMID: 23834566 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]