Professionalism in contemporary medicine: if it is an important academic issue, then surely it is a "hot" issue as well.

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Professionalism in contemporary medicine: if it is an important academic issue, then surely it is a "hot" issue as well.

Psychiatr Danub. 2013 Jun;25 Suppl 1:6-17

Authors: Jakovljević M, Ostojić L

Professionalism has been a hot topic in medical education and in medicine in general. Professionalism in medicine embodies the relationship between medicine and society as it forms the basis of patient-physician relationships and the mutual expectations patients and physicians have of each other. Education on professionalism in medicine and professionalism in medical education are two important liasions. Increasing efforts have focused on fostering professionalism in medical education. Medical faculties have long taught the theoretical and technical aspects of medicine, but teaching professionalism in medicine and healing qualities has been a recent trend. The concept of professionalism has evolved over time by a process of exploration and reflection. It seems that medical professionalism has been changing from paternalism to partnership with patients and mutuality, from tribalism to collegiality, and from self-sacrifice to shared responsibility. There is still no consensus on how professionalism in medicine should be defined as and about the best methods for teaching medical professionalism. The aim of this "landscape" review is to promote the complete integration of a culture of professionalism into the educational and research body, including staff, faculty, residents and students.

PMID: 23806963 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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