Evaluation of a Computer-Based Educational Intervention to Improve Medical Teamwork and Performance During Simulated Patient Resuscitations.

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Evaluation of a Computer-Based Educational Intervention to Improve Medical Teamwork and Performance During Simulated Patient Resuscitations.

Crit Care Med. 2013 Aug 14;

Authors: Fernandez R, Pearce M, Grand JA, Rench TA, Jones KA, Chao GT, Kozlowski SW

OBJECTIVES:: To determine the impact of a low-resource-demand, easily disseminated computer-based teamwork process training intervention on teamwork behaviors and patient care performance in code teams.
DESIGN:: A randomized comparison trial of computer-based teamwork training versus placebo training was conducted from August 2010 through March 2011.
SETTING:: This study was conducted at the simulation suite within the Kado Family Clinical Skills Center, Wayne State University School of Medicine.
PARTICIPANTS:: Participants (n = 231) were fourth-year medical students and first-, second-, and third-year emergency medicine residents at Wayne State University. Each participant was assigned to a team of four to six members (nteams = 45).
INTERVENTIONS:: Teams were randomly assigned to receive either a 25-minute computer-based training module targeting appropriate resuscitation teamwork behaviors or a placebo training module.
MEASUREMENTS:: Teamwork behaviors and patient care behaviors were video recorded during high-fidelity simulated patient resuscitations and coded by trained raters blinded to condition assignment and study hypotheses. Teamwork behavior items (e.g., "chest radiograph findings communicated to team" and "team member assists with intubation preparation") were standardized before combining to create overall teamwork scores. Similarly, patient care items ("chest radiograph correctly interpreted"; "time to start of compressions") were standardized before combining to create overall patient care scores. Subject matter expert reviews and pilot testing of scenario content, teamwork items, and patient care items provided evidence of content validity.
MAIN RESULTS:: When controlling for team members' medically relevant experience, teams in the training condition demonstrated better teamwork (F [1, 42] = 4.81, p < 0.05; ηp = 10%) and patient care (F [1, 42] = 4.66, p < 0.05; ηp = 10%) than did teams in the placebo condition.
CONCLUSIONS:: Computer-based team training positively impacts teamwork and patient care during simulated patient resuscitations. This low-resource team training intervention may help to address the dissemination and sustainability issues associated with larger, more costly team training programs.

PMID: 23949473 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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