Endocrine and Metabolic Changes During Sepsis: An Update.

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Endocrine and Metabolic Changes During Sepsis: An Update.

Med Clin North Am. 2012 Nov;96(6):1095-1105

Authors: Khardori R, Castillo D


Sepsis is associated with various metabolic and endocrine disorders that can be confusing. A cardinal manifestation is hyperglycemia. The glycemic goal has been somewhat relaxed based on evidence that very tight glucose control may be undesirable. Relative adrenal insufficiency has receded into the background, and the unconditional love for steroids is no longer justified. Instead, glucocorticoids need to be used in special cases, and testing for adrenal reserve is no longer necessary or justifiable. Thyroid dysfunction, and hypogonadism, both often noted with sepsis, do not require any treatment. Abnormalities in growth hormone, prolactin, and vasopressin secretion similarly require no treatment.

PMID: 23102479 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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