Uninsured patients require creative discharge plans.
Hosp Case Manag. 2012 Apr;20(4):49-51
Case managers are being challenged to find a discharge destination for patients who are uninsured or underinsured and who need services after hospitalization.These patients often stay in the hospital longer than necessary, at the hospital's expense. Case managers should develop a network of community resources that can assist with care for unfunded patients after discharge. In some cases, it makes sense for the hospital to pay for a lower level of care rather than keeping patients in acute care beds that could be occupied by paying patients. Case managers often are under pressure to move patients through the continuum of care, making it a challenge to create an effective discharge plan for patients with limited financial resources. Many unfunded patients are eligible for financial assistance with their healthcare needs, but they aren't aware of it and don't know how to apply.
PMID: 22462093 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]