New trends in infective endocarditis.

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New trends in infective endocarditis.

Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2011 Mar;29 Suppl 4:22-35

Authors: Fariñas MC, Llinares P, Almirante B, Barberán J, de Dios Colmenero J, Garau J, Gudiol F, Hernández Quero J, Mensa J, Montejo M, Pachón J, Rodríguez-Baño J, Sánchez-García M

The present article is an update of the literature on endocarditis. A multidisciplinary group of Spanish physicians with an interest in cardiac infections selected the most important papers produced lately in the field. Two of the members of the group discussed the content of each of the selected papers, with a critical review by others members of the panel. After a review of the state of the art papers from the fields of epidemiology, new causative microorganisms (bacterial and fungal), clinical findings including those in special patients, laboratory diagnosis, prognostic factors, nosocomial endocarditis, prophylaxis, new drugs and guidelines for antibiotic treatment were discussed by the group.

PMID: 21458717 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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