Bowel obstruction and hernia.
Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2011 May;29(2):319-45
Authors: Hayden GE, Sprouse KL
Bowel obstruction and abdominal hernia are commonly observed in patients seeking emergency care for abdominal pain. This article discusses bowel obstruction, adynamic ileus, acute colonic pseudo-obstruction, and abdominal hernias, with particular emphasis on the management of patients in the emergency department (ED). Although the diagnostic approach to bowel obstruction often requires imaging, abdominal hernia may be identified in most circumstances by history and physical examination alone. Urgent surgical consultation is indicated when there is a concern for bowel ischemia, strangulation, or complete obstruction. This article reviews an ED-based approach to the patient presenting with symptoms of bowel obstruction or hernia.
PMID: 21515182 [PubMed - in process]