Sticker reminders improve thromboprophylaxis appropriateness in hospitalized patients.

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Sticker reminders improve thromboprophylaxis appropriateness in hospitalized patients.

Thromb Res. 2010 Sep;126(3):211-6

Authors: Sharif-Kashani B, Raeissi S, Bikdeli B, Shahabi P, Behzadnia N, Saliminejad L, Samiei-Nejad M, Nasiri F, Khayyami M, Forootan B, Pozhan S, Masjedi MR

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a major health problem. Even though effective thromboprophylaxis measures exist to prevent VTE, close adherence to guidelines is missing. We assessed the effects of pasting VTE prophylaxis sticker reminders, on the appropriateness of thromboprophylaxis and prophylaxis underutilization.

PMID: 20667584 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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