Noninvasive ventilation in immunosuppressed patients.

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Noninvasive ventilation in immunosuppressed patients.

Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2010 Mar;27(2):134-8

Authors: Namendys-Silva SA, Hernández-Garay M, Herrera-Gómez A

In immunosuppressed patients (ISP) with acute respiratory failure (ARF), invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) is associated with high mortality rate. Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is a type of mechanical ventilation that does not require an artificial airway. It has seen increasing use in critically ill patients to avoid endotracheal intubation. Acute respiratory failure due to pulmonary infections is an important cause of illness in ISP and their treatment. Immunosuppressive treatments have showed an increase not only in the survival but also in the susceptibility to infection. Several authors have underlined the worst prognosis for neutropenic patients with ARF requiring endotracheal intubation and IMV. The NIV seems to be an interesting alternative in ISP because of the lower risk of complications; it prevents endotracheal intubation and its associated complications with survival benefits in this population.

PMID: 19776370 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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