Burst Stimulation Improves Hemodynamics During Resuscitation after Prolonged Ventricular Fibrillation.
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2009;2:57-62
Authors: Walcott G, Melnick S, Killingsworth C, Ideker R
BACKGROUND: Although return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is frequently achieved during resuscitation for sudden cardiac arrest, systolic blood pressure can then decrease, requiring additional myocardial support. Previous studies have shown that a series of 1-ms electrical pulses delivered through the defibrillation patches during ventricular fibrillation (VF) can stimulate the autonomic nervous system to increase myocardial function following defibrillation. We hypothesized that a similar series of electrical pulses could increase myocardial function and blood pressure during the early post-resuscitation period. METHODS AND RESULTS: Six swine were studied that underwent 6-7 min. Each animal received 5, 10, 15, or 20 pulse packets consisting of 6 10 A, 1-ms pulses every 3-4 s in random order whenever systolic blood pressure became less than 50 mmHg. All four sets of pulse packets were delivered to each animal. Systolic blood pressure and cardiac function (left ventricular +dP/dt) were increased to pre-stimulation levels or above by all four sets of pulse packets. The increases were significantly greater for the longer than the shorter number of pulse packets. The mean+/-SD duration of the time that the systolic pressure remained above 50 mmHg following pulse delivery was 4.2+/-2.5 min. CONCLUSIONS: Electrical stimulation during regular rhythm following prolonged VF and resuscitation can increase blood pressure and cardiac function to above pre-arrest levels.
PMID: 19655042 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]