Survey of hospital clinicians’ preferences regarding the format of radiology reports.

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Survey of hospital clinicians' preferences regarding the format of radiology reports.

Clin Radiol. 2009 Apr;64(4):386-94; 395-6

Authors: Plumb AA, Grieve FM, Khan SH

AIM: To determine hospital consultants' preferences for the format and content of radiology reports. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ninety-nine questionnaires were sent to consultant staff with responsibility for requesting ultrasound examinations. The participants were invited to rank a variety of hypothetical reports in order of preference. They were also asked whether they felt other commonly included features of a radiology report were of value. Rank data were analysed by the Friedman statistic, Fisher's multiple comparisons least significant difference test, and the Kemeny-Young method. RESULTS: Forty-nine responses were received. There was a preference for more detailed reports that included a clinical comment by the radiologist, for both normal and abnormal results (p<0.05). Reports presented in tables were preferred. The combination of a detailed tabular report with a radiologist's comment was the most popular single structure, preferred by 43% of respondents for normal reports and 51% for abnormal reports. CONCLUSION: Detailed reports with a radiologists' comment are preferred to briefer reports, even for normal examinations. Tabular reports are preferred to prose, with the combination of a detailed report presented in a tabular format accompanied by a radiologist's comment being the most preferred style.

PMID: 19264183 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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