Management of the kidney transplant recipient.

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Management of the kidney transplant recipient.

Prim Care. 2008 Sep;35(3):433-50, v

Authors: Padiyar A, Akoum FH, Hricik DE

The short-term outcomes of kidney transplant recipients have improved dramatically in the past 20 years, in large part resulting from the availability of more potent immunosuppressive drugs capable of preventing or treating acute allograft rejection. Ironically, side effects from these same immunosuppressants play a role in the long-term morbidity and mortality of this patient population. As kidney transplant recipients survive for longer periods of time with functioning allografts, primary care physicians will likely become more involved in their management, mandating at least a basic understanding of immunosuppression and its complications.

PMID: 18710663 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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