Clin Neurophysiol Pract. 2020 Jul 2. doi: 10.1016/j.cnp.2020.06.001. Online ahead of print.
OBJECTIVE: The Covid-19 pandemic is a global challenge presenting clinicians with an evolving diagnostic landscape. We sought to describe EEG findings observed from local experience in a typical case series of patients with severe Covid-19.
METHODS: Ten cases of Covid-19 were identified in whom EEG recordings had been made during the course of admissions to Bristol hospitals which had required intensive care. Electro-clinical correlation between the EEG and available medical history, imaging and laboratory investigation results was explored.
RESULTS: The predominant EEG features in severe Covid-19 are of generalised symmetrical slowing, consistent with encephalopathy.
CONCLUSIONS: The presence of focal disturbances or irritative abnormalities may be a pointer away from a pure encephalopathy and warrant further investigation.
SIGNIFICANCE: A growing range of neurological sequelae from Covid-19 are now recognised to be common amongst patients hospitalised by with this condition, being seen to affect approximately one third of such cases. Electroencephalography has a unique place in the diagnostic work-up of impaired consciousness, a frequent feature of severe Covid-19. However, there is currently a paucity of literature describing typical EEG findings in this setting.
PMID:32838076 | PMC:PMC7329683 | DOI:10.1016/j.cnp.2020.06.001