Risk factors of functional decline during hospitalization in the oldest old.

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Risk factors of functional decline during hospitalization in the oldest old.

Aging Clin Exp Res. 2009 Dec;21(6):453-7

Authors: Isaia G, Maero B, Gatti A, Neirotti M, Aimonino Ricauda N, Bo M, Ruatta C, Gariglio F, Miceli C, Corsinovi L, Fissore L, Marchetto C, Zanocchi M

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The number of hospital admissions of the elderly is increasing and hospitalization often leads to functional decline. The aim of this study was to identify major risk factors for functional decline in the hospitalized oldest old. METHODS: Prospective, observational, non-randomized study of patients aged >/=80 years, admitted for at least two days to the University Department of Geriatric Medicine of Torino, Italy, between November 2003 and November 2004. For detection of functional decline, the ADL scale was used, referring to the number of dependent ADL. RESULTS: At discharge, ADL mean scores were significantly higher than on admission (2.5+/-2 vs 2.3+/-1.9, p<0.001). 23.9% of the sample lost at least one ADL function during hospitalization, and 19.2% were transferred to long-term care, compared with 5.4% of those with no functional decline. Length of hospitalization, neoplasm, low level of albumin and high number of drugs prescribed were associated with functional decline. At multivariate analysis, only in-hospital stay was an independent risk factor for functional decline (RR 1.1 per day of hospitalization, CI 1.03-1.14). CONCLUSIONS: Hospitalization of the oldest old increases the risk of functional decline, especially if prolonged. It is important to identify patients at high risk for functional decline after hospital admission.

PMID: 20154515 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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