Twelve tips for creating and sustaining a peer assessment program of clinical faculty

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Med Teach. 2023 Sep 1:1-5. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2252602. Online ahead of print.


While feedback is essential for learning in the health professions, clinical teachers rarely get feedback on their teaching, and the existing feedback is often non-specific and distant from teaching encounters. To enhance clinical teaching, we created a peer assessment program for clinical faculty. This program has been well-received and sustained for five years despite the challenges of faculty turnover and the pandemic. In this article, we identify twelve tips for creating and sustaining a peer assessment program for clinical faculty based on this experience. These tips focus on how to create a culture that supports peer assessment, on how best to implement a peer assessment program in practical terms, and on how to sustain a peer assessment program long-term. We hope these tips help educators receive better feedback about their clinical teaching and improve the future care delivered by our learners.

PMID:37656833 | DOI:10.1080/0142159X.2023.2252602

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