Role of the Femoral Vein Doppler in Acute Heart Failure Patients: results from a prospective multicentric study

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Rev Clin Esp (Barc). 2023 Apr 21:S2254-8874(23)00054-1. doi: 10.1016/j.rceng.2023.04.004. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study is to define the role of Pulsed-Doppler (PW-Doppler) Ultrasound of the Common Femoral Vein (CFV) in the assessment of dilatation Inferior Vena Cava (IVC), probability of Pulmonary Hypertension (PH), Tricuspid Regurgitation (TR), and Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE).

METHODS: This is a prospective two-hospital study in 74 patients admitted with acute heart failure (AHF). We performed PW-Doppler ultrasound of the common femoral vein, Point of Care (POC) cardiac ultrasonography and assessment of the IVC at the time of admission, as well as PW-Doppler and ultrasound of the IVC at hospital discharge.

RESULTS: The detection of a pulsatile flow (138 scans) had an excellent ROC curve for the detection of IVC greater than 2 cm (AUC 0.931, Sn 95%, Sp 90%, PPV 93%, NPV 94%) with an Odds Ratio (OR) of 211.2 (95% confidence interval 48.13-926.72). The pulsatility of the flow also had the highest performance in the detection of PH (AUC 0.8, Sn 95%, Sp 64%, PPV 84%, NPV 84%) and in the detection of moderate-severe TR (AUC 0.79, Sn 95%, Sp 67%, PPV 88%, NPV 78%). If the flow is continuous, we can reasonably rule out diminished TAPSE (NPV 89%).

CONCLUSSION: Detection of PW-Doppler flow of the CFV may be an alternative window for the detection of an IVC dilation of 2 cm, significant TR, and the likelihood of high PH in acute heart failure. It also allows us to reasonably rule out dysfunction of the right ventricle in cases of normality in these patients.

PMID:37088380 | DOI:10.1016/j.rceng.2023.04.004

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