Number, nature & impact of incoming telephone calls on residents and their work during evening shifts

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Acute Med. 2022;21(1):5-11. doi: 10.52964/AMJA.0886.


BACKGROUND: Internal medicine residents are frequently interrupted by phone calls, which may compromise workflow, work quality and job satisfaction.

AIM: This study investigates the number, nature and impact of calls on residents and their work during evening shifts in the emergency department and ward.

METHODS: This prospective observational study compares measurements from direct observations with subjective data from questionnaires.

RESULTS: Residents received 26 resp. 30 (median) calls per shift in the emergency department and ward, with duration of 50 resp. 80 seconds. Residents perceived high burden and impact on quality of work and job satisfaction.

DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION: Frequent interruptions by phone calls were observed, which resulted in high burden. Our study raises the urgency for finding solutions and provides insights necessary for possible interventions.

PMID:35342904 | DOI:10.52964/AMJA.0886

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