Achieving superficial femoral venous access in a critically ill COVID-19 patient in the prone position

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J Vasc Access. 2021 Feb 10:1129729821989894. doi: 10.1177/1129729821989894. Online ahead of print.


A 63-year-old obese male was admitted with acute respiratory failure secondary to COVID-19. Day 13 the patient decompensated, lapsing into a critical stage of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome, requiring immediate prone positioning. The Rapid Response Team managed the emergency intervention for intubation but was unable to establish central access with the patient in the prone position. A consult to the Vascular Access Team succeeded in establishing central catheter placement with an ultrasound-guided mid-thigh superficial femoral 55-centimeter triple lumen catheter. The terminal tip of the catheter was confirmed in the mid portion of the inferior vena cava.

PMID:33567939 | DOI:10.1177/1129729821989894

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