General medicine consultant of the week model shortens hospital length of stay and improves the patient journey

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Future Healthc J. 2020 Oct;7(3):218-221. doi: 10.7861/fhj.2019-0057.


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The consultant of the week (COW) model of inpatient care means the consultants' primary focus is to deliver ward-based care daily. At Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, a COW model has been successfully used for cardiology and stroke services. This has improved continuity of care and developed a 7-day working week. Our aim was to extend this model to all general medical consultants who manage inpatients.

METHODS: We introduced the COW model to the unselected general medical take. Restructuring of consultant job plans allowed daily ward presence, 5 days per week. Outcome measures included length of stay (LOS) and accuracy of expected date of discharge (EDD).

RESULTS: LOS over a 12-month period improved from an average of 9.17 days to 6.61 days. The number of EDD changes reduced, from a previous average of 3.0 changes to 1.8 changes. Consultant feedback showed there was an improvement in collaboration between teams, improved training of junior doctors and higher job satisfaction.

CONCLUSIONS: Improved 5-day consultant presence is associated with reduced LOS. Learning points included the delay in implementation due to the complexity of consultant job planning. We plan to extend COW to 7-days for all general medical wards.

PMID:33094232 | PMC:PMC7571745 | DOI:10.7861/fhj.2019-0057

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