COVID-19 pneumonia: A review of typical CT findings and differential diagnosis.

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COVID-19 pneumonia: A review of typical CT findings and differential diagnosis.

Diagn Interv Imaging. 2020 May;101(5):263-268

Authors: Hani C, Trieu NH, Saab I, Dangeard S, Bennani S, Chassagnon G, Revel MP

The standard of reference for confirming COVID-19 relies on microbiological tests such as real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) or sequencing. However, these tests might not be available in an emergency setting. Computed tomography (CT) can be used as an important complement for the diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia in the current epidemic context. In this review, we present the typical CT features of COVID-19 pneumonia and discuss the main differential diagnosis.

PMID: 32291197 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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