Policies and Guidelines for COVID-19 Preparedness: Experiences from the University of Washington.

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Policies and Guidelines for COVID-19 Preparedness: Experiences from the University of Washington.

Radiology. 2020 Apr 08;:201326

Authors: Mossa-Basha M, Medverd J, Linnau K, Lynch JB, Wener MH, Kicska G, Staiger T, Sahani D

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic initially presented in the United States in the greater Seattle area, and has rapidly progressed across the nation in the past 2 months, with the United States having the highest number of cases in the world. Radiology departments play a critical role in policy and guideline development both for the department and for the institutions, specifically in planning diagnostic screening, triage, and management of patients. In addition, radiology workflows, volumes and access must be optimized in preparation for the expected COVID-19 patient surges. This article discusses the processes that have been implemented at the University of Washington in managing the COVID-19 pandemic as well in preparing for patient surges, which may provide important guidance for other radiology departments who are in the early stages of preparation and management.

PMID: 32267209 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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