Remdesivir for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 causing COVID-19: An evaluation of the evidence.

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Remdesivir for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 causing COVID-19: An evaluation of the evidence.

Travel Med Infect Dis. 2020 Apr 02;:101647

Authors: Cao YC, Deng QX, Dai SX

The novel coronavirus infection that initially found at the end of 2019 has attracted great attention. So far, the number of infectious cases has increased globally to more than 100 thousand and defined as a pandemic situation, but there are still no "specific drug" available. Relevant reports have pointed out the novel coronavirus has 80% homology with SARS. In the difficulty where new synthesized drug cannot be applied immediately to patients, "conventional drug in new use" has become a feasible solution. The first medication experience of the recovered patients in the US has led remdesivir to be the "specific drug". China has also taken immediate action to put remdesivir into clinical trials with the purpose of applying it into clinical therapeutics for Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). We started from the structure, immunogenicity, and pathogenesis of coronavirus infections of the novel coronavirus. Further, we analyzed the pharmacological actions and previous trials of remdesivir to identify the feasibility of conducting experiments on COVID-19.

PMID: 32247927 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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