Established association of legionella with rhabdomyolysis and renal failure: A review of the literature.

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Established association of legionella with rhabdomyolysis and renal failure: A review of the literature.

Respir Med Case Rep. 2019;28:100962

Authors: Soni AJ, Peter A

Legionella causes 2-15% of community acquired pneumonia cases that require hospitalization and it is the second most common cause of serious pneumonia that needs admission in an intensive care unit. Since the first published case in 1980, there are a further 22 published case reports on the direct correlation between rhabdomyolysis, renal failure and Legionnaires' disease. All but two patients survived with antibiotics and dialysis. Clinicians should be cognisant of this established triad and correlation of Legionnaires' disease, renal failure and rhabdomyolysis, as failure to do so and initiate treatment early has proven to increase mortality significantly in affected patients.

PMID: 31720209 [PubMed]

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