Targeted Temperature Management and Postcardiac arrest Care.

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Targeted Temperature Management and Postcardiac arrest Care.

Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2019 Aug;37(3):381-393

Authors: Walker AC, Johnson NJ

Despite recent advances, care of the post-cardiac arrest patient remains a challenge. In this article, the authors discuss an approach to the initial care of post-cardiac arrest patients with particular focus on targeted temperature management (TTM). The article starts with history, physiologic rationale, and the major randomized controlled trials that have shaped guidelines for post-cardiac arrest care. It also reviews controversial topics, including TTM for nonshockable rhythms, TTM dose, and surface versus endovascular cooling. The article concludes with a brief review of other key aspects of post-arrest care: coronary angiography, hemodynamic optimization, ventilator management, and prognostication.

PMID: 31262410 [PubMed - in process]

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