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Effects of a Flipped Classroom Curriculum on Inpatient Cardiology Resident Education.
J Grad Med Educ. 2019 Apr;11(2):196-201
Authors: Allenbaugh J, Spagnoletti C, Berlacher K
Background: The flipped classroom is designed to reinvigorate education and utilizes "at-home" time to learn concepts and "in-class" time for clinical application. While some studies have shown positive effects of the flipped classroom in undergraduate medical education, there is a paucity of data on its use in graduate medical education.
Objective: We hypothesized that a flipped classroom curriculum of Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP) content with group case discussions could improve resident knowledge and preparedness in cardiology.
Methods: Ninety-eight internal medicine residents who rotated on the inpatient cardiology service from March to October 2017 were quasi-randomized into control and intervention groups, with the intervention group assigned MKSAP readings and cases to review on their own, accompanied by weekly case discussion. Pre-post surveys evaluated for change in knowledge and preparedness, quantity of teaching received, and use of MKSAP.
Results: A total of 93 of 98 residents (95%) participated in the curriculum. There were 37 of 51 residents (73%) in the control group and 37 of 47 residents (79%) in the intervention group who responded to pre-post assessments. In paired analysis, knowledge score did not improve significantly between the groups, nor did self-reported preparedness, number of teaching sessions per week, or reported MKSAP use. However, all participants had positive perceptions of the curriculum, and the majority felt it should be continued.
Conclusions: This flipped classroom curriculum did not affect knowledge, preparedness, or number of teaching sessions for internal medicine residents on a cardiology rotation when compared to usual teaching, although residents experiencing the new model expressed high satisfaction.
PMID: 31024653 [PubMed - in process]