Management of acute diverticulitis.

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Management of acute diverticulitis.

Br J Hosp Med (Lond). 2019 Mar 02;80(3):146-150

Authors: Sagar AJ

Acute diverticulitis is a major health-care concern. The optimal management of this common condition has been critically examined in recent years leading to a number of paradigm changes. In many areas, the debate continues. Acute uncomplicated diverticulitis may be safely managed without antibiotics. A number of randomized controlled trials have examined the role of laparoscopic lavage vs resection for purulent peritonitis. In cases where resection is indicated the traditional Hartmann's procedure is being trialled against resection with primary anastomosis. In the follow up of an acute uncomplicated episode, the value of colonoscopy is being questioned but remains in current guidelines. In the elective setting, more recent studies have led to a trend away from resection to prevent complications but towards resection to improve quality of life. This article presents an overview of the current guidance, areas of controversy and the associated evidence base.

PMID: 30860921 [PubMed - in process]

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