Rates of Echocardiography, Coronary Angiography, and Coronary Intervention Associated With Troponin Testing in Hospitalized Patients.

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Rates of Echocardiography, Coronary Angiography, and Coronary Intervention Associated With Troponin Testing in Hospitalized Patients.

Am J Cardiol. 2018 Mar 02;:

Authors: Wilson G, Kurian K, Zamin S, Urbanczyk J, Haneke T, Simonsen C, Mehta S, Suresh M, Michel J

Diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) often depends on detection of cardiac troponin elevation >99th percentile. However, troponin elevation is commonly found in patients without AMI. We have previously reported an association between troponin elevation and rates of electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiography (ECHO), and coronary angiography (CAG) in patients with a primary diagnosis of sepsis. We hypothesized that elevated troponin might be associated with greater use of ECHO and CAG in primary diagnoses other than sepsis and that this correlation might also include percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). We reviewed all inpatient admissions to nine hospitals in Texas in 2016 collecting primary International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (International Classification of Diseases-10) diagnoses, troponin test data, and the presence of ECHO, CAG, or PCI during hospitalization. We identified 56,895 unique inpatient admissions, of which 14,326 (25.2%) were associated with troponin testing. Of patients tested, 26.1% had one or more troponin I values ≥0.1 ng/ml (99th percentile). Primary ICD-10 diagnoses were grouped into (1) AMI, (2) primary diagnosis other than AMI (non-AMI), (3) congestive heart failure (CHF), (4) sepsis, and (5) Other excluding AMI, CHF, or sepsis. Troponin testing was itself associated with greater utilization of ECHO, CAG, and PCI in all groups except CHF. Troponin I values ≥0.1 ng/ml were associated with increased rates of ECHO, CAG, and PCI across all groups.

PMID: 29580629 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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