Surgical Guidelines for Perioperative Management of Older Adults: What Geriatricians Need to Know.

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Surgical Guidelines for Perioperative Management of Older Adults: What Geriatricians Need to Know.

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017 Jun;65(6):1339-1346

Authors: Colburn JL, Mohanty S, Burton JR

A multidisciplinary panel of experts representing surgery, anesthesia, and geriatrics recently published guidelines for surgeons on the optimal perioperative management of older adults, including recommendations on postoperative recovery and posthospital transitions of care. Geriatricians have an important role in the care for older adults in the preoperative period as older adults consider surgical options and prepare for surgical procedures, during the perioperative period as inpatient consultants, and in the postoperative period as older adults transition to rehabilitation facilities or to home. This article outlines the perioperative surgical guidelines and describes how they apply to the role of the geriatrician in the care of older adults during the perioperative period.

PMID: 28323335 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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