Therapeutic Targets in Sepsis: Past, Present, and Future.
Clin Chest Med. 2016 Jun;37(2):181-9
Authors: Seeley EJ, Bernard GR
Antibiotics and fluids have been standard treatment for sepsis since World War II. Many molecular mediators of septic shock have since been identified. In models of sepsis, blocking these mediators improved organ injury and decreased mortality. Clinical trials, however, have failed. The absence of new therapies has been vexing to clinicians, clinical researchers, basic scientists, and the pharmaceutical industry. This article examines the evolution of sepsis therapy and theorizes about why so many well-reasoned therapies have not worked in human trials. We review new molecular targets for sepsis and examine trial designs that might lead to successful treatments for sepsis.
PMID: 27229636 [PubMed - in process]