Should Physicians be Encouraged to use Generic Names and to Prescribe Generic Drugs?

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Should Physicians be Encouraged to use Generic Names and to Prescribe Generic Drugs?

Am J Cardiol. 2016 Jun 1;117(11):1851-2

Authors: Riaz H, Krasuski RA

While using the brand names seems like a trivial issue at the outset, using these names is inherently problematic. Cardiovascular drugs remain the most commonly prescribed drugs by the physicians. The junior doctors are likely to introject practices of their seniors and consequently to reciprocate from the experiences learnt from their preceptors. Using the generic names may be one way to facilitate prescription of the generic drugs who have a better cost profile and similar efficacy than the more expensive branded drugs. In this editorial, we have outlined several arguments to suggest the importance of using the generic names in academic discussions and clinical documentation.

PMID: 27179932 [PubMed - in process]

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