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Acute Internal Medicine Trainee Survey 2015.
Acute Med. 2015;14(2):78-82
Authors: Smallwood N, Conway N
OBJECTIVES: To ascertain current Acute Internal Medicine (AIM) trainees' opinions on their training programme, practical procedures, specialist skills and AIM as a specialty. This can then be used to feedback to the national training committee to help shape training priorities.
METHODS: Online survey sent to all AIM Higher Specialty Trainees registered on the Society for Acute Medicine database, and advertised through e-mail communication and social media.
RESULTS: The majority of trainees (55.5%) were quite happy or very happy with their training currently, although significant difficulties were highlighted with time off for specialist skill training and difficulty achieving certain procedural skills. The majority of trainees believe ultrasound should form a core component of AIM training (82.3%). A high proportion of trainees would recommend AIM as a specialty despite these difficulties.
CONCLUSIONS: A number of issues were highlighted causing difficulties within AIM training, despite which the vast majority of trainees would recommend AIM as a career choice. The results were fed back to the training committee in March.
PMID: 26305086 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]