Diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis–necessity of biopsy.

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Diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis--necessity of biopsy.

Med Pregl. 2014 Mar-Apr;67(3-4):97-9

Authors: Stjepanović MI, Vucinić VM, Jovanović D, Mijajlović M, Trifunović VS, Stjepanović MM

INTRODUCTION: Sarcoidosis can affect any part of the central nervous system presenting with an extremely diverse clinical picture. Clinical presentations actually depend on the localization ofgranulomas in the central nervous system. Making diagnosis according to the localization and the clinical variations is often a clinical challenge. DIAGNOSIS OF NEUROSARCOIDOSIS: Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture, clinical and radiological findings (magnetic resonance imaging with contrast endocranium), laboratory findings (angio-tenzin-converting enzyme and chitotriosidase in cerebrospinal fluid); however, it is necessary first to exclude all other possible causes of granulomatous inflammation. Recent studies in patients with neurosarcoidosis show a high value of at least one marker of the disease. The safest way and the gold standard in diagnosing this disease would be histopathological confirmation, which is rarely performed due to its invasiveness.
CONCLUSION: New diagnostic methods will contribute to better methods of bypassing invasive procedures, and they will significantly facilitate the diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis, which is a real challenge even for experienced clinicians who deal with this disease.

PMID: 24961051 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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