Pre-Discharge Evaluation in Heart Failure?- Additive Predictive Value of the 6-Minute Walking Test to Clinical Scores.

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Pre-Discharge Evaluation in Heart Failure - Additive Predictive Value of the 6-Minute Walking Test to Clinical Scores.

Circ J. 2015 Jun 4;

Authors: La Rovere MT, Maestri R, Caporotondi A, Corbellini D, Guazzotti G, Pinna GD, Febo O

BACKGROUND: We aimed to investigate whether the assessment of functional capacity by the 6-minute walking test (6MWT) might improve the predictive ability of 2 validated clinical scores for risk stratification in heart failure (HF).Methods and Results:The Cardiac and Comorbid Conditions HF (3C-HF) and the Meta-Analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure (MAGGIC) scores were evaluated in 466 consecutive HF patients who completed a pre-discharge 6MWT. The 12-month event rate was 7.7%. Both the 2 scores and the 6MWT predicted all-cause mortality (all P<0.0001), with a hazard ratio of 2.650 [95%CI 1.879-3.737], 2.754 [95%CI 1.870-4.056] for each one SD increase in the 3C-HF and MAGGIC, respectively, and of 2.080 [95% CI 1.619-2.671] for each one SD decrease in the meters walked. The addition of a 6MWT to both the 3C-HF and MAGGIC scores significantly improved predictive discrimination (c-index 0.793 [95% CI 0.722-0.864] and 0.802 [95% CI 0.733-0.871], respectively) and risk classification (integrated discrimination improvement, IDI 0.052 [95% CI 0.024-0.101] and 0.046 [95% CI 0.020-0.102], respectively). In the intermediate and high risk strata identified on the basis of both the 3C-HF and MAGGIC scores, mortality rates significantly differed according to a distance walked < or ≥376 m.
CONCLUSIONS: In HF patients, a pre-discharge evaluation combining the 6MWT to clinical scores improves prediction of 12-month mortality.

PMID: 26040333 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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