Laboratory Diagnosis of Lyme Disease: Advances and Challenges.

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Laboratory Diagnosis of Lyme Disease: Advances and Challenges.

Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2015 Jun;29(2):295-307

Authors: Marques AR

The majority of laboratory tests performed for the diagnosis of Lyme disease are based on detection of the antibody responses against B burgdorferi in serum. The sensitivity of antibody-based tests increases with the duration of the infection. Patients early in their illness are more likely to have a negative result. There is a need to simplify the testing algorithm for Lyme disease, improving sensitivity in early disease while still maintaining high specificity and providing information about the stage of infection. The development of a point of care assay and biomarkers for active infection would be major advances for the field.

PMID: 25999225 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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