Persistent diarrhea: 15 years experience at a tertiary care hospital.

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Persistent diarrhea: 15 years experience at a tertiary care hospital.

J Med Assoc Thai. 2014 Jun;97 Suppl 6:S95-100

Authors: Vithayasai N, Jennuvat S

OBJECTIVE: To determine the risk factors, causative enteric pathogens, final diagnosis and treatment outcomes of persistent diarrhea in children.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: A retrospective study of the patients who had diarrheal symptoms for at least 14 days diagnosed as persistent diarrhea (PD) and admitted at QSNICH during January 1997 and December 2011. Demographic data, risk factors, causative enteric pathogens, management and outcome were reviewed.
RESULTS: The review included 79 PD patients. Excluded were patients who were HIV seropositive, had GI anomalies and/or other underlying immune deficiencies. The demographic data showed mean age 11.42 months and male:female 56:23 (2.43:1). Feeding with infant formula before admission was 43% compared to exclusive breastfeeding that was only 10%. Normal nutritional status was found in half of the cases (52.1%) and protein energy malnutrition (PEM) was present in 42.3%. Stool for enteropathogens was positive only in 49.4% and the most common being mixed enteropathogens. Secondary lactase deficiency was the cause of PD in half (50%) of the patients. Management consisted of rehydration, intravenous antibiotics 53%, and other adjuvant therapies such as cholestyramine, zinc and probiotics. Along with rehydration, all patients received aggressive nutritional management upon admission. The diarrhea subsided in less than 7 days in about 70% of the patients.
CONCLUSION: The present study supports that important risk factors for PD are very young age group (especially under 1 year old), lack of breastfeeding and malnutrition. Enteropathogens were found in only about half of the patients and the most common cause of PD was secondary lactase deficiency. Most of the diarrhea subsided in less than 7 days of admission with proper management and aggressive nutrition upon admission.

PMID: 25391179 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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