The OSCE progress test – Measuring clinical skill development over residency training.

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The OSCE progress test - Measuring clinical skill development over residency training.

Med Teach. 2015 Apr 24;:1-6

Authors: Pugh D, Touchie C, Humphrey-Murto S, Wood TJ

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to explore the use of an objective structured clinical examination for Internal Medicine residents (IM-OSCE) as a progress test for clinical skills.
METHODS: Data from eight administrations of an IM-OSCE were analyzed retrospectively. Data were scaled to a mean of 500 and standard deviation (SD) of 100. A time-based comparison, treating post-graduate year (PGY) as a repeated-measures factor, was used to determine how residents' performance progressed over time.
RESULTS: Residents' total IM-OSCE scores (n = 244) increased over training from a mean of 445 (SD = 84) in PGY-1 to 534 (SD = 71) in PGY-3 (p < 0.001). In an analysis of sub-scores, including only those who participated in the IM OSCE for all three years of training (n = 46), mean structured oral scores increased from 464 (SD = 92) to 533 (SD = 83) (p < 0.001), physical examination scores increased from 464 (SD = 82) to 520 (SD = 75) (p < 0.001), and procedural skills increased from 495 (SD = 99) to 555 (SD = 67) (p = 0.033). There was no significant change in communication scores (p = 0.97).
CONCLUSIONS: The IM-OSCE can be used to demonstrate progression of clinical skills throughout residency training. Although most of the clinical skills assessed improved as residents progressed through their training, communication skills did not appear to change.

PMID: 25909896 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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