Validation of the intermountain patient perception of quality (PPQ) survey among survivors of an intensive care unit admission: a retrospective validation study.

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Validation of the intermountain patient perception of quality (PPQ) survey among survivors of an intensive care unit admission: a retrospective validation study.

BMC Health Serv Res. 2015 Apr 14;15(1):155

Authors: Brown SM, McBride G, Collingridge DS, Butler JM, Kuttler KG, Hirshberg EL, Jones JP, Hopkins RO, Talmor D, Orme J, Center for Humanizing Critical Care

BACKGROUND: Patients' perceptions of the quality of their hospitalization have become important to the American healthcare system. Standard surveys of perceived quality of healthcare do not focus on the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) portion of the stay. Our objective was to evaluate the construct validity and internal consistency of the Intermountain Patient Perception of Quality (PPQ) survey among patients discharged from the ICU.
METHODS: We analyzed prospectively collected results from the ICU PPQ survey of all inpatients at Intermountain Medical Center whose hospitalization included an ICU stay. We employed principal components analysis to determine the constructs present in the PPQ survey, and Cronbach's alpha to evaluate the internal consistency (reliability) of the items representing each construct.
RESULTS: We identified 5,680 patients who had completed the PPQ survey. There were three basic domains measured: nursing care, physician care, and overall perception of quality. Most of the variability was explained with the first two principal components. Constructs did not vary by type of respondent.
CONCLUSIONS: The Intermountain ICU PPQ survey demonstrated excellent construct validity across three distinct constructs. This, in addition to its previously established content validity, suggests the utility of the PPQ survey as an assay of the perceived quality of the ICU experience.

PMID: 25889073 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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