Being ready to treat Ebola virus disease patients.

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Being ready to treat Ebola virus disease patients.

Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015 Feb;92(2):233-7

Authors: Brett-Major DM, Jacob ST, Jacquerioz FA, Risi GF, Fischer WA, Kato Y, Houlihan CF, Crozier I, Bosa HK, Lawler JV, Adachi T, Hurley SK, Berry LE, Carlson JC, Button TC, McLellan SL, Shea BJ, Kuniyoshi GG, Ferri M, Murthy SG, Petrosillo N, Lamontagne F, Porembka DT, Schieffelin JS, Rubinson L, O'Dempsey T, Donovan SM, Bausch DG, Fowler RA, Fletcher TE

As the outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa continues, clinical preparedness is needed in countries at risk for EVD (e.g., United States) and more fully equipped and supported clinical teams in those countries with epidemic spread of EVD in Africa. Clinical staff must approach the patient with a very deliberate focus on providing effective care while assuring personal safety. To do this, both individual health care providers and health systems must improve EVD care. Although formal guidance toward these goals exists from the World Health Organization, Medecin Sans Frontières, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other groups, some of the most critical lessons come from personal experience. In this narrative, clinicians deployed by the World Health Organization into a wide range of clinical settings in West Africa distill key, practical considerations for working safely and effectively with patients with EVD.

PMID: 25510724 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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