Endoscopic Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Chronic Upper Abdominal Pain of Unknown Etiology: A Retrospective Chart Review Examining the Efficacy of EUS in Determining a New Diagnosis.
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2015 Feb;49(2):e17-e20
Authors: Thompson MB, Ramirez JC, De La Rosa LM, Wood AS, Desai S, Arjunan A, Song J, Erickson RA
GOALS:: To explore the utility of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) in the evaluation of chronic upper abdominal pain (UAP) of undetermined etiology.
BACKGROUND:: Chronic UAP is a common problem with a challenging diagnosis and management. The role of EUS in the diagnosis of UAP may minimize additional testing; however, few studies describe the percentage of new diagnoses yielded in these patients.
STUDY:: We conducted a retrospective analysis by reviewing electronic medical records at Scott and White Memorial Hospital, Texas A&M Health Sciences Center for patients with abdominal pain for ≥12 months not explained by previous workup referred for EUS for chronic UAP from January 1, 1998 through October 1, 2007. Patients with previous EUS in past 12 months were excluded from the study. Patient demographic data and imaging performed 6 months before and 24 months after EUS were reviewed and results documented.
RESULTS:: EUS was successful at diagnosing a new clinical etiology of chronic UAP in 33 patients (8.89%) with previous workup that was unrevealing for a definitive diagnosis. The most frequent diagnoses included pancreaticobiliary tree abnormalities, chronic pancreatitis, and fatty liver disease.
CONCLUSIONS:: Our results support the fact that the majority of patients UAP with prior imaging will have no identifiable organic etiology found on EUS to explain their pain; however, we suggest that EUS be considered in patients with suspected pancreatic or biliary pathology.
PMID: 25569224 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]