Potassium Toxicity at Low Serum Potassium Levels With Refeeding Syndrome.

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Potassium Toxicity at Low Serum Potassium Levels With Refeeding Syndrome.

Am J Cardiol. 2014 Oct 12;

Authors: Vemula P, Abela OG, Narisetty K, Rhine D, Abela GS

Refeeding syndrome is a life-threatening condition occurring in severely malnourished patients after initiating feeding. Severe hypophosphatemia with reduced adenosine triphosphate production has been implicated, but little data are available regarding electrolyte abnormalities. In this case, we report electrocardiographic changes consistent with hyperkalemia during potassium replacement after a serum level increase from 1.9 to 2.9 mEq/L. This was reversed by lowering serum potassium back to 2.0 mEq/L. In conclusion, the patient with prolonged malnutrition became adapted to low potassium levels and developed potassium toxicity with replacement.

PMID: 25456880 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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